Emaya Pure Life chais can be enjoyed in so many ways, from curries, to soups, smoothies and sauces, baked into muffins and cakes – the options are endless. But where our blends really shine, is in the tea cup. If you need a deliciously soothing hot chai, it really is as easy as one, two, three! Many of our customers are surprised to learn how straight forward the method is when it comes to making yourself a chai with Emaya products. They are designed to dissolve fully and they are naturally sweetened with a variety of ingredients such as coconut, Lucuma, carob and jaggery so there’s absolutely nothing you need to add.
1. Boil the kettle.
2. Add a level teaspoon of chai powder to your mug.
3. Pour boiling water into the chai powder and stir.
A drop of your preferred milk can be added if you wish and if you have an extra sweet tooth why not add a teaspoon of coconut sugar or maple syrup?
Follow us on Instagram for more recipes and feel free to share yours with us too. You never know, you may end up on the website and win yourself a 50g packet of chai. Good luck!